MONO cartridges

I bought a few Mono reissues and now I think about a proper cartridge for them.
But the information varies a lot, some write, for those reissues I don't need a mono cart., there would be no difference to a stereo cartridge, or the differences are not worth the price difference.
Next, are the modern mono cartridges only stripped down Stereo cartridges?
Half winding, half output?
How about the difference from the needle?
Are the "old" Monos the way to go? SPU?
I have a Lyra Helikon stereo running at the moment, that one is available as a Mono cartridge, or others too.... some experiences?
Got one.
Don't have many - old - Mono Records, but after 10 years buying Reissues it is a Revelation. No ticks, no pops,no distortion and Dynamics 2die4.
Really cool.

I have a Benz Ebony LP Mono. Does anyone know how Benz-Micro designs mono cartridges? I beleive they use the same stylus as the stereo. Also the same motor and coils, but turned 45 degrees, so that one coil is 100% lateral, and the other coil is 100% vertical. But then what? Is the vertical direction wired to cancel? Are the vertical and horizontal then summed into both output channels?