Upgrade phono cartridge for Rega P3-24

Ok, I posted to this forum a while back regarding a replacement phono cartridge for my Rega P3-24 (It has the Elys II mounted). I was provided with a lot of advice, most of it related to the quality of the rest of my system, suggesting that I upgrade in those areas (most suggestions were for a different preamp) before I consider an upgrade to the cartridge.

My system at that time was:
1. Quad 22L2 Speakers
2. Adcom GFA 555 Amplifier
3. Cambridge Audio Azur 640 CD Player
4. Stock Rega P3-24
5. NAD C-162 Preamplifier

Since that time, I have done the following:
1. Purchased another Adcom GFA 555 Amp and an now biamping to the Quads
2. Have a Herbie's turntable mat to replace the stock felt Rega mat.
3. Sold the NAD Preamp and purchased a Cary SLP-94 with phono on Audiogon
4. Purchased a TTPSU for the Rega.
5. Built an isolation platform for the Rega with two hardwood shelves and Squash balls in between.
6. Bought a couple of Aurelex Subdudes for the speakers to isolate them a bit better.

So, the upgrades have made a big difference. The Cary has made the biggest difference, making it a joy to listen to CDs, and opening up the Rega. Herbie's mat damped my lp sound very well. TTPSU really stabilized the speed of the Rega. My home made TT isolation platform, believe it or not, really helped, as did the Subdudes.

Now I'm wondering if a new cartridge for the Rega would be advised, and if so, which ones might I consider given my current rig?

Sorry for the long post, but I really respect the advice I get on this site. Any help would be appreciated.
The Lyra cartridges also sound very good in the Rega table/arm combos. The Dorian and Argo i are well worth investigating. They are MC cartridges that output about .6mv and mount easily in the Rega arm. Both are also available used on Agon as well. Add a Mint tractor for best alignment and you are good-to-go.
Thanks CJ:
I'm wondering if the Exact will be a significant upgrade from the Elys2. The 2M Black seems to be one that a lot of people choose for the P3-24.

I've been checking out the Groovetracer subplatter but wasn't sure that it would make a difference. Same with the counterweight.

You've got a Mitchell. Damn those things are great looking. Bet it sounds fantastic.
Hello Pkubica:
Thanks for the tip on the Lyra, Dorian and Argo. Mint tractor, huh? Ok, I'm off to go looking at the 2M, Lyras, Dorian, and Argo.
In the Stereophile review of the P3/24, they comment on the difference between the Exact and Elys. The subplatter makes a big difference. Weight, probably less so.

I personally think to really better the Elys2 you will need to spend about 2x it's price, in the $600 range. You won't get double the performance of course, but you will get better defined and smoother highs, and better bass texture and impact. At least that is what I noticed pretty clearly.

Mint tractor is an alignment protractor, do a search on MintLP on google.
Thanks Cj:
After I posted to you, I looked on Agon for Lyra. They sell really fast. I can get into a Clearaudio for $800 or $900. I'm going to look around, see if I can hear the cartridges somewhere (should be able to find something in NYC, I'm only 1 1/2 hours out). I'll order the subplatter and see how that works. Thanks for your help.