New turntable recommendations I have a MM-7 now

I currently have a Music Hall MM-7 with a Shure V-15 cartridge. I swaped interconnects last night and I think one of the tone arm leads broke again. This happened once before and it was a major pain for me to repair it.
So time to get a new table. I was happy with the sound of the MM-7, just looking for a new reliable table that is easy to set-up and stays that way.
Thanks for you advise, Mark
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Yep, the VPI Scout or Scoutmaster was at the top of my list, my local dealer also recommed the Avid. Thought about a Rega P-3 but don't think they look as cool as the VPI or Avid... I know it's how they sound, not how they look but looks are important to me also.
I did check now and the tone arm leads are just fine.. but I can't figure out why I'm getting such a hum for the table now. Switched eveything back to the way it was and the hum will not go away. Going to hook it up to my second system and see what happens.
Thanks again fo ryour input.
Man, if I was in the market for a <$3K turntable, i wouldn't part with the money without trying the new Well Tempered Amadeus at $2895, even if I had to fly or make a road trip to a dealer. You've got the marriage of Bill Firebaugh's unconventional genius combined with cost-effective Chinese manufacturing precision (they're built by Opera). Word is that this new design is notably unfussy.
A Transrotor turbillion used from the estate of an audiophile with a clueless family. I just love the look.