I agree with Tom_hankins about output. Rather than buying another gadget (head amp or step-up transformer) in order to be able to use a low-output MC cart, I'd go for a higher output cart. Having never tried a HOMC of any kind (to my recollection) on any table in my system, I could not suggest an either/or. While I might be hesitant to buy a used cart in some cases, in this case, you might get more bang for buck in buying a used cart (and hoping the seller isn't selling you a beat up jalopy of a cart). If you buy a new one for a few hundred USD and decide it isn't for you, given your acquisitions so far, that is where the loss would come if you sold everything. If you like vinyl, then you can upgrade. In the meantime, just enjoy the tunes.
There are several threads in the archives where some great MM carts are discussed. Some of them are expensive, some less so. One thread I recently re-read is
here. Another is
here. Both are excellent threads with a fair bit of accumulated experience and knowledge about how arms and carts work and work together. You should also dig around the archives here and in the
Vinyl Asylum. You could also ask the question over at the Vinyl Asylum stating what you are starting with and your goals in acquiring a cart.