Hi All,
as promised some more measurements information.
First the good news:
A well used Lyra Dorian that did perform much better than that first measured cart (PW) showed the following:
Loading with 1k, AND 10nF capacitance, measured on XLR pre-outputs:
Left vs. Right = -0.6dB @ 1kHz 7cm/s lateral (mono track), spec = <1dB (So that was a pass)
Left vs. Right = on 1kHz 7cm/s vertical out of phase track, pretty CLOSE to out of phase, (about 12dB better on listening then PW, pretty good)
1 kHz left channel -28.5dB leakage to right! Spec = >30dB @ 1 kHz! (Only marginally less then spec. and can be attributed to it's aging, or measurement variation(s)...)
1 kHz right channel -28.5dB also, leakage to left! Spec = >30dB @ 1 kHz! (comment as above)
Cart roll-off @ 20kHz -3db (much better then PW rolling off at -6dB)
Resonance at 29Hz at -20dB, high Q for about 3sec. during the sweep track.
The measurements confirmed that the set-up is pretty much OK.
Now, what was NOT OK, was my consultants 'R.O.T.' initial db conversion on some PW dB results. Still the figures show a big problem yet.
Here the revised figures:
No loading i.e. 47k:
Left vs. Right = -1.6dB @ 1kHz 7cm/s lateral (mono track), spec = <0,2dB!
Left vs. Right = on 1kHz 7cm/s vertical out of phase track, clearly NOT EVEN CLOSE to out of phase! (no change as done by listening)
1 kHz left channel only -18dB leakage to right! Spec = >28dB @ 1 kHz! (only a smallish convertion error of 2 dB)
1 kHz right channel only -27dB leakage to left! Spec = >28dB @ 1 kHz! (now this was pretty way out, not in voltage measurement but in the dB conversion! :-(
The end-result is still bad enough though.
There are plenty more measurements on this test record, which where done, but those above tell most of the story.
Track ten for example should produce a clean sine-wave and in the case of the Dorian it does, the PW looked rather distorted leaning to one side and dented in, plus more of such, all supporting that something is not right.
So there you have it...
Next up will be a Transfiguration Orpheus, I'll keep you posted and hope it will not be getting too boring.
As Doug would have it, if its 'broken' why bother to measure it :-) Both the Dorian and Orpheus are not 'broken' so I guess we may have his blessing :-)