It depends on the view
What is great?
A collection of reissues?
A collection from church Music 16th Century?
A collection from RCA Living Stereos? What stampers?
Great is normally rated from others, it is a definition how they like it or the thinking about it's price (now or in future).
Supply and demand
Private opinions are taste only. When I like my 15000$ Rap and Hip hop records (which I don't have) and my visitors start to cry when I do a demo, well, then I am alone with my "Great Collection". But for me it is still great.
Btw. same with Stereo systems and their owners...
or cars.... =)
What is great?
A collection of reissues?
A collection from church Music 16th Century?
A collection from RCA Living Stereos? What stampers?
Great is normally rated from others, it is a definition how they like it or the thinking about it's price (now or in future).
Supply and demand
Private opinions are taste only. When I like my 15000$ Rap and Hip hop records (which I don't have) and my visitors start to cry when I do a demo, well, then I am alone with my "Great Collection". But for me it is still great.
Btw. same with Stereo systems and their owners...
or cars.... =)