Hi, my first table when I got back into vinyl about three years ago was a Project Experience2. I was having the same problems you were having. I have since moved to a VPI Scout with Signature tonearm, and a very fine cartridge, a Dynavector XX2MKII. I have learned in the meantime though, that most of the ugly sounds emanating from an analog set up is due to poor set up. In spite of having a "pro" do the initial set up, that doesn't necessarily mean he took the time to do it right. If you want to hear what your table/cartridge/arm really should sound like, you need to make sure the overhang, alignment, and other parameters are set correctly. The way many vinyl addicts are going about it these days is by purchasing a MintLP arc protractor from Yip in Hong Kong. Extremely accurate for $110, besides upgrading your receiver, I believe that should be your first purchase. No matter how much you spend or acquire, if your set up isn't right, it'll never sound right. The protractor will only work for pivot-to-spindle distance specified for the table you order it for, so make sure you're going to keep the Expression before you order the protractor. That's my 2 cents worth.