Micro SX-8000 II or SZ-1

Does anybody know if there is a mayor difference between the Micro-Seiki SX-8000 II and the "flagship" SZ-1?
A friend told me I should look for a SZ-1 because it offers a better motor. Having a SX-8000 II I am not shure whether it is worth looking for a SZ-1 or only for another motor-unit?
Dear Fm login: +++++ " whole point – the “default sound” (or better to say the opportunity for the default sound ) is built into the design that illuminate the need to do those endless experiments trying to change the TT sound. Micro-Seiki .... " +++++

I owned through the years three MS TT's: two 1500 and my current RX 5000.

I like the " intrinsic " performance of the 5000 but as you know it is a unfinished product where we need to add to the unit : footers or some kind of damping platform, a TT mat and a platter damping.
I address all those factors trying to have a better Micro performance and IMHO I have success about.

I think that this kind of " help " ( in the case of the RX 5000 ) is need it and not because I try to change the Micro self sound ( that I agree can't overall change it. ).

The Micro TT's are very good units but not perfect and like almost anything else in audio needs some kind of " help ".

Now, if some of us really can hear tiny changes in the Micro performance due to those " help " is something that you, me or any one can't argue against/favor because the differences in each person perception capacity and of course the differences in the audio sytems/room and system set-up.

About your whole comment: +++++ " Some of you have 5-6 turntables with 10-15 tonearms........" +++++

I can tell you that thank's to all those tonearms that I have on hand I can obtain almost always the best quality performance of any cartridge I try/test that if ( with the vintage and today tonearms designs. ) I owned only two tonearms maybe I can't do it.
This is my approach on the subject, which yours? how do you know ( with 1-2 tonearms. ) that what your cartridges show is the best that can achieve?

+++++ " Work on other aspects of your playback, it will bring you more true results. " ++++, I agree.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Hi Thuchan
Jawohl! I have my Schwarzes schtend in se line, by 6 sharp. I take se appel, sen sey can go abgetreten! (Else gets kick in se back-side). Sey love it wenn we sen play the Kaiserwalzer afterwards.
So very beautiful it is always, and wis all de kultscher und alles.
sorry, I forget to say. Se Badenweiler Marsch, you see is ONLY for se inside in se Haus. Se peepl will hav se wrong impreschn if it is on se outside, ja.
But to make it better we are now doing se practice wid de Carmen "Einmarsch of se Gladiatoren" before all is in line and schtaend to attenschn. Und sen the Walz, wenn sey can walz-off after we finischd.
Just to be korrekt, it is not a lafing matter, you see.

*** I like the " intrinsic " performance of the 5000 but as you know it is a unfinished product where we need to add to the unit : footers or some kind of damping platform, a TT mat and a platter damping. I address all those factors trying to have a better Micro performance and IMHO I have success about…. The Micro TT's are very good units but not perfect and like almost anything else in audio needs some kind of "help".

Yes, you are right, but it pretty much it. BTW, Micro did BA-600, a pneumatic platform for 5000 as well as own Micro mat. Still, the isolation platform I do not consider as a basic past of TT, it rather a consideration how a given TT system is installed in a given environment. Also, I do not use 5000 but 8000, so have less “problems”….

*** I can tell you that thank's to all those tonearms that I have on hand I can obtain almost always the best quality performance of any cartridge I try/test that if ( with the vintage and today tonearms designs. ) I owned only two tonearms maybe I can't do it. This is my approach on the subject, which yours? how do you know ( with 1-2 tonearms. ) that what your cartridges show is the best that can achieve?

It is evolutionary thing; I use to run 6 tonearms and now I am removing the tonearm #4, living the 3 tonearms/carriages that I really use: mono, stereo and dirty stereo. I do not look for “best quality performance of any cartridge” – I know what I get, I know what efforts requires to get what might be gotten from sound, I know what kind reimbursement I get for my efforts. We all adults and we all know not mitigate our efforts per amount of gratification we get for the efforts. Knowing what I want to get from audio I do not find that relentless pressure of “best quality performance” interests me. If I want “best quality performance” then I shot doe my phonostage and tune on my FM tuner. Also, let me give you a tip: the “best quality PERFORMANCE” has absolutely nothing to do with a topology of quality of your or my turntable.
Fm_login when you went from two to one TT and 6 to 4 arms was that upgrade or had you decided what arms/carts are best for you? In your opinion do you gain most analog experimentation from step-up/phono?