Best cartridge for Breuer 8C

I´ve read a lot about Breuer tonearm on this forum.
But have yet never read any recomendation on suitable cartridge.
Several has related to "someone else" for
Seems like no one has any ansver.
I would very much like to know why?

Being helped makes you want to help.
Thank You!
You all music lovers for such a nice response.
Breuer seem to accommodate quiet a few cartridges with pleased result.
Now I definitely have something to consider.
How about internal wires (is there options), are they one length to RCA connectors or do you have a separate cabel between arm-phonostage.
How about setup, is it difficult compared to SME V.
Do you also use a specific protractor for best result.
Appreciate your response.

Thanks again!
I use a Wally Tractor for my setup. Hard to get your hands on one though. I use Loefgren geometry.
It is farily easy to setup like all typical slotted headshell type arms. The pivot to spindle must be exact though!
I terminated mine with an RCA block off of my armboard and use an RCA to RCA phono cable. AS for internal wiring my friends had theirs rewired in Germany with a fully terminated cable, cart clips to RCA. Breuer just supplies the arm with his silver wire unterminated I beleive, that is the way mine came.

Thanks Pcosta!
Nice to know that full length cartridge-RCA cabel is available.
I must say You have a wonderful system, I envy.
If I had a system like that I propably never go to bed.

Many Thanks!
Thanks for the compliments, a good dealer, some friends a lot of time and patiencs, and money got me that setup. It is all fun though. I am really lucky to be able to afford some of this stuff.

The full length wiring is not done by Mr.Breuer, Thomas from TW had his redone by a fellow in Germany. He has done many now for other customers.
The silver wiring supplied with a new Breuer is very fragile, and must be handle with care especially the cartridge tags. For me it does not matter as i do not switch cartridges that often, but Thomas and others who play more than most people, found the cartridge tags did not last long on the wire supplied by Breuer.