Dedicated phono-pre for MM only?

Hi All,
the subject of phono-pres, specifically 'adapted' to MM came up in some related postings.

IF, and only if, MMs are much to ones liking --- why spend your buck on some 'halve backed' 60dB plus, MC gain requirement, stage? Why not consider put the $$$ into a TOP 40dB gain stage of either SS or tube?

Raul had more thoughs on the subject as he mentioned before, and might share, why he knows that a TOP MM compared to MC stage circuit requirement might NOT be -one suit fits all-.

There could even be a nice argument to fit a tube gain stage only into an otherwise SS only system!?

Again, the $buck saved on the 20dB plus circuitry could be translated into the BEST circuit for an MM.
I realise, that most such stages were simply fitted inside some older TOP pre-amps, (e.g. Jadis...).
I have not come across a **dedicated** , current 40dB stage neither in nor outside a pre-amp.

Thank you,
>>> probably a Sumiko BluePoint, originally <<< oh, oh, :-) but that's also an MC?

about time if you get a bit restless to check on MMs, I say...

I have listened to A&R P77, Empire S1000 ZE/X, Shure V15 III VN35MR, Elite EEI 500, AT-140LC, and some bottom of the line AT with conical stylus (not actually much more than the $20 you pay for it).

All this has confirmed for me in my system everything that Raul is on about.

I have also had in my system, DV 20X-L, DV 10x5, Kontra-Punkt A, Jubilee, Windfeld, Dorian, Transfiguration Axia, Orpheus what I recall.

I mention this as I can not lay claim to some 100 plus carts MC and MM, Raul is working with.
Yet, other than that el cheapo $20 AT basic --- every MM was more fluid, musical, and had more 'magic' (for lack of a better word) in my system than ANY of the mentioned MCs.

This obviously made me wonder why?!

Raul, thinks it's just by the nature of the different construction that, given a decent phono-pre, make that difference.

What I'm learning also, there seem NO 'special' MM phono-pres in today's offerings, as all are -can do MM too-.

What I was looking for is a MM stage, differential, floating RIAA, tube, 100, 75 50 (47)k ohm input impedance, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500pF C loading. XLR outputs, Differential (wired) RCA inputs.
No such a thing for only up to 40dB for all I can see.

My current boards are, differential, SS (op-amps 2x) 1 for 40dB plus on for 69dB, no C loading (OK two parallel binding posts), 47k ohm only impedance. It sound pretty good, as it uses the clean power of the ML326S' power supply and is INSIDE the pre-amp.

So, I guess all there is, is to find some 'oldie' pre-amp? Not so sure I actually want to change my 326S (to darn convenient :-)
--- End of enquiry? Could well be...

"At least nobody can say I haven't tried"
Axel, What I wrote was that the Sumiko Blue Point was probably my FIRST MC cartridge, back in the late 80s or early 90s. I got away from that pretty quickly. Then I owned Benz Glider, followed by a Transfiguration Esprit and then the Esprit II, only one at a time in succession over a period of probably more than a decade. These were all mid-price HOMCs, and in retrospect neither one "rang my bell". (I would never have thought of either spending more than $1000 for a cartridge OR buying a used one.) Then about 5 years ago, I bought a Koetsu Urushi (via my son in Tokyo), which was a total revelation vs those others. I now own the Urushi, an Ortofon MC7500, and a van den Hul Colibri (both of the latter purchased used off A'gon). I have not yet heard the Colibri. Of course, now I have 3 turntables, too. You could say that the disease vinylosis is advancing in severity as I get older.
Well Lewm,
thank you for sharing. Now with 3 'tables why not give a NICE MM a try and let us hear what would be your finding.

It could be most interesting (didn't say rewarding... :-) to have another take by someone of your long standing anlogue background. If only to have some more prespective, and for under $1000 it be just as well :-)
Hi Axel and Lew. I'll go out on a limb and recommend a unit I've not yet heard. One of my local audio buddies (he introduced me to Raul, literally during a visit) who has since built up a stable of at least two dozen MM carts uses a phono stage from Emotive Audio. Apparently the good folks at EA, while normally designing tube gear, feel nothing they've found betters this ss design. I hope to hear it for myself soon as my friend is a very observant listener.

Since the JLTi was mentioned, I'm using one with a custom, fully regulated power supply. It offers selectable 40/60 dB output so is not a dedicated unit but has beat out a few other ss and tube phono units with my Grado Reference.

Your findings should be interesting so I'll keep watch of this thread.
Hi Pryso, This is the second time someone has recommended EA to me. Since you are a more credible source than the other person, I will look into it. I did also think about buying a basic JLTi, second hand, and upgrading the power supply myself. Did you build the custom supply for yours? If not, do you have a schematic?

Curses, I just lost out on an auction for an AKG P8ES cartridge on eBay. Why? Because I was so busy all day I forgot to increase my bid, which I knew would not withstand the assault of last-minute bidders. i do have my old Grado TLZ, and that is the first MM I will try in the new era. What about the AT150mlx? That seems to be liked by most.