Dear Lewm: That's right, if I need a different load impedance then I soldered a new resistor value, no switch. Normaly almost all the LOMC cartridges comes with a very low internal resistance where 100 Ohms can cope all them. The other subject is that due to the Ponolinepreamplifier characteristics you don't need to change the load impedance, only in extreme very extreme cases.
Lewm, one way or the other normaly a switch makes a degradation to the cartridge signal so you have to make a decision on trade-offs between quality or convenience, we choose for quality performance.
Regards and enjoy the music,
Lewm, one way or the other normaly a switch makes a degradation to the cartridge signal so you have to make a decision on trade-offs between quality or convenience, we choose for quality performance.
Regards and enjoy the music,