Axel, You wrote:
"As to hum caused by 'unbalanced' MM cart output impedance. Well, I think that the more expensive carts we are speaking of (Raul mostly), those have always excellent channel balance, often better than more main-stream MCs with an e.g. <1.5dB spec."
I am pretty sure that Kirkus was not referring to differences between channels in his comments on the impedance properties of MM cartridges. I think he was referring to the generally much higher and more reactive impedance of MMs and the fact that these parameters may not be identical for each phase of the output in a SINGLE channel, using a balanced circuit. This creates a noise that cannot be cancelled by the balanced topology and is instead amplified. Channel balance has nothing to do with it. If I am full of baloney, perhaps Kirkus will correct me.
"As to hum caused by 'unbalanced' MM cart output impedance. Well, I think that the more expensive carts we are speaking of (Raul mostly), those have always excellent channel balance, often better than more main-stream MCs with an e.g. <1.5dB spec."
I am pretty sure that Kirkus was not referring to differences between channels in his comments on the impedance properties of MM cartridges. I think he was referring to the generally much higher and more reactive impedance of MMs and the fact that these parameters may not be identical for each phase of the output in a SINGLE channel, using a balanced circuit. This creates a noise that cannot be cancelled by the balanced topology and is instead amplified. Channel balance has nothing to do with it. If I am full of baloney, perhaps Kirkus will correct me.