MARANTZ AV8003 Networking Preamplifier

Is the MARANTZ AV8003 Networking Preamplifier worth buying???
Has any heard this unit before?
I owned it and then purchased the AV7005. I think the 8003 sounded better, though the Audessey in the 7005 was better. It depends on what you are looking for. The 8003 is built much better in my opinion. The 7005 does have more networking features, so it really depends on personal preference for feature set. But for sound, especially for 2 channel, I thought the 8003 was very good.
I have two, and like them both. I use it for 2 channel and HT and they are able to play a DVD with stereo speakers and send center channel info. equally to both speakers. I can watch DVD music and only use two speakers, and get a great central image. A very good sounding preamp, a big surprise to me. I am a tube guy, and have a very heavily modded tube preamp, and this is competitive, a real dark horse, a sleeper and way better than it has a right to be. I had a speaker manufacturer at my place to hear my music and he was floored by how good it sounded, with my Marantz. He just got a new Aesthetix Calypso, a fabulous preamp, so I want to compare and find out how much I am giving up. Can't go wrong though, and I use a tube amp with it in one system, and an ATI amp and they both are magical matches. It goes great with Quicksilvers. Jallen
Yes! I have used the AV8003 for 2 years. It is excellent, and extremely neutral and transparent in the direct mode. The tuner is also better then you might expect. The remote could be easier to use, but the bottom line for me has been superlative sound obtainable for a paltry sum of money. Highly recommended!