Ortofon 2M Red Not Happy Need advice

I just got myself a 2M red. was not able to audition, many of the local shops don't have lower models mounted or identical double turntables for comparison. I went with my gut and dropped a minimal amount of cash on it, figured $100 what is the worse that can happen. Well, I am thoroughly disappointed.

I picked it up since I thought my cart was worn and I needed something to tie me over until I get something serious. My old cart is a Grace F9 Ruby and it beats the pants off of the 2M. I have not let the 2M burn in, but there is such a huge difference between the level of detail between the two carts that I really don't think I can stomach the 2M burned in or not.

The 2M sounds muddy, bright, and is lacking detail big time. Jazz at the pawnshop, take five sounded nice, especially the bottom end but everything else was wrong. Jimi Hendrix came on next, bold as love and little wing were used to audition. Wow, Voice is horrid and the guitar solos made me want to leave the room.

The one thing I can say, surface noise was minimized with the 2M, I think this is due to its inability to pick up detail. I thought my f9 was worn, but it sounds A1 in comparison.

What now, upgrade to the blue? I don't get a refund, otherwise I would take it. Dealer doesn't carry audio technica or denon for the 440 and 160 cannot be exchange candidates. I am seeking a warm and detailed sound. What do you guys think? Should I be more patient and wait for burn in, or is that an uphill battle? Hope to hear from you, thanks.

PS: dealer carries: Dynavector, Ortofon, Lyra, Grado and a couple of others.
Cartridges are sensitive the capacitance load they see. That makes the choice and length of cables from the turntable to preamp important. Some preamps allow for easy adjustments to input capacitance.

Even after that adjustment, some cartridges and preamps are just better matches than others.

Or you may simply prefer the sound of the Grace. Like speakers, a cartridge is a mechanical transducer that changes the motion induced by the ripples in plastic into electricity. There are a lot of variables in that process!

I've got an older Ortofon OM-10 and it is a good match in my system.
I have (3) Grace F9E cartridges and will never sell them. I just had one retipped at SoundSmith, (the $250 SoundSmith ruby version retip) and it's even better than ever. IMHO, the Grace F9E was one of best MM ever made and I've heard just about all of them. I say send it to SoundSmith and be happy forever.
you say:
>>> there is such a huge difference between the level of detail between the two carts <<<
>>> The 2M sounds muddy, bright, and is lacking detail big time <<<
I have a small problem with "muddy" and "bright" all at once, but lets see.

All the above suggestions are valid, yet I have heard far to little on the VTA/SRA being gone into.

Firstly what stylus does your Ruby have? If is a 'parabolic' type (now more often Shiabata, etc.) and it sounded good, I suspect your VTA was arm down from level, (1 - 1.5mm?) that's what this type of stylus most often likes best.

Next look at your 2M Red, and there we do know it is an 'elliptical' stylus and those like arm up (positive SRA/VTA). If I'm right, then those two carts are diametrically opposed in their VTA/SRA setting requirements.

This could mean a difference of 4mm or even more that with the 2M Red the arm *could* need to go up!
If you are not aware of this and you are trying within a much narrower range, you would not come right.

It is just a hunch, since I can not find the stylus spec for your Grace, as it is rather old --- but considered one of the top MMs, still by today's standards (I'm told).
