Hey Theo, been a tech for 30+ years, TIC got it right, 99.99% chance that its a ground loop caused by incoming cable, just remove coax from VCR and see if noise goes away, if it does, numerous places to get reasonable priced "in line ground isolation transformer" I never tell anyone to go to R---o S---k, but they should have 'em cheap. Stevieg123
Buzzing when VCR connected to TV
I have a JVC S-VHS VCR hooked up to my Pre amp via audio cables and have the video connected to a Pioneer Elite Plasma. When the VCR is playing and the TV is on I get a pretty aggressive buzzing in the speakers. If i disconnect the video cable from the VCR to TV input , dead silence.
But if I use the coax TV out on VCR to B-Antenna In on TV the buzz is present but not as bad. Any ideas? Filters? Can't seem to get it gone.
But if I use the coax TV out on VCR to B-Antenna In on TV the buzz is present but not as bad. Any ideas? Filters? Can't seem to get it gone.
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- 7 posts total