Why is the price of new tonearms so high

Im wondering why the price of new tonearms are so high, around $12k to $15k when older very good arms can be bought at half or less?
Ooops - Axel was fast.....
But so far he did only roughly describe the set-up differences, so there is still "something" from the physical side to add.........
Older tonearms did use a thick coating of extreme low viscosity grease to dampen any spring vibrations in spring loaded VTF.
Is it the case with dynamic arms that the vertical force is closer to the turret and therefore there will be less sideways/twirling force and this force is parallel with the force on the needle?
Hi D.
did you actually read my post # 130 on the suggested use of "so long so wrong" ?
(I hope I counted # correctly...)

The spring 'grease'(yeak)/damping "something" I actually mentioned.
In fact the stuff is slightly visible squeezing a bit out behind the VTF dial on the SME-V - it's as thick as it gets, and noticeable by the VERY reluctant turning action of that dial.

Be interesting to see what Raul will have to add to it all.

Any comments?
>>> and therefore there will be less sideways/twirling force and this force is parallel with the force on the needle? <<<

In theory... hm.
But recall, the counter weight is now once more further back by exactly that same amount, mass = force...

The nice thing is, you can use your TT on the moon! And it still works! (using dynamic VTF, it is independent of gravity :-)
Atmasphere, 20 years thats impressive not a lot lasts that long in this hobby. Problem for me is I have only single ended input on my amp and the MP1/MP3 seems to have only balanced output. Another thing is I wasnt really looking for a line amp but I see that my dealer has both the MP1 and MP3 so I might give them a listen. Is it possible to only use the phono stage?