Why is the price of new tonearms so high

Im wondering why the price of new tonearms are so high, around $12k to $15k when older very good arms can be bought at half or less?
>>>there is no such thing ever as a "new geometry".<<<

Geometry in the going sense = Euclidean Geometry, yes?
Now, you just do like your absolutisms, don't you :-)

Nver heard of: János Bolyai, a Hungarian engineer and army officer, one of at least three inventors of non-Euclidean geometry...
Just for the record.
Self-financing youre so right!
If you come Ill show you the good restaurants, and what really good digital sounds like:) Cheers
A. - no, I meant geometry as a way to describe 2 and 3-dimensional matters.
To what particular name you want to associate it is up to you and the history books.
Geometry is a principle of nature.
NOT a principle of man.
Man just try to file it, name it and to credit it to man ........ as you just showed.
Dear Perrew, really look forward to.
I am sure we'll have a real great audio and cultured day!
Dear Dertonarm: +++++ " And don't worry. " +++++

certainy not, fortunatelly I don't have your attitude: " I don't have audio questions " that put a lot of frustration when you are against a " new " audio topic and you are ignorant on that topic but don't ask because you already know everything but that topic so your " culture " is full of " holes " because you don't ask.
I'm different, I always try to sealed any audio " hole " that I have in my audio culture/audio learning curve.

Your audio life most be a boring one because you can't learn anything because you think you know everythng, well things happen that you don't know and even can't imagine how to achieve a NEUTRAL and UNIVERSAL tonarm, at least not ours.

I understand your deep frustration. Your close mind one way around goes against you and against your sane judge capacity. I'm dogmatic in some ways but at least in positive way and helping to others subjects.

The exciting ( for me ) and emotive factors in the audio world and in specific in the analog area is that there are several aspects on the main analog overall targets for " discover " and learn how to achieve it, I like this exciting " everyday learning " exercise, this put to my audio life a " motive " to go/run/design/build/modified, I don't envy your boring audio life: " I know everything ".

But, at least, on our NEUTRAL and UNIVERSAL tonearm here and today you are ignorant and in this regard we know something that you and your " scientists " don't even imagine, frustrating eh?

Daniel I like to try to be better everyday, maybe one day in the long feature I will stop but certainly not because I learn everything like you.

Btw, that road to rome ( the same straight line. ) you can cross it driving a cycle, driving a Ferrari or just walking, your call!

Regards and enjoy the music,