Loricraft and power cord upgrade?

I have had a Loricraft PRC4 vacuum cleaner for LPs for some time now. It really makes a dramatic difference in surface noise and brings to life old records that I thought were beyond hope.

Having changed my setup, I found myself with a spare AC cord (Iego using Furukawa OCC copper and quality connectors). So I asked, why not? I tried swapping it for the generic 16 gauge cord and vacuumed a record.

Now given that I only have one record for each album, it's hard to do controlled comparisons with respect to cleaning quality. But I think I hear a difference in the tone/noise of the motor and pump. Will it clean better? One wonders. It is a motor after all and although is not in the path of the stereo system, indirectly by acting on the LP surface, it can make a positive contribution. Is this too far-fetched?
1st of April has passed?
Have I missed it due to my power-cord letting me down?

So, I gave it a try on my domestic vacuum, and now my carpets have this veil lifted, and the music flows so much cleaner over them, wow.
Good stuff, man
You want to tell me that you have not yet tried a high-end power cord on your kettle? No?! I use a $5000 Kimber cable on my Kenwood and the tea just tastes out of this world. Airy with a firmer lows and more focussed highs. You should try it.
I run my PRC-3 over the frequency sweep tracks on the Cardas LP once a week. Helps clear the cobwebs out of the vacuum tube...

Classicjazz, did you cable cook the power cord before this experiment? You can't be too thorough.
Lonestarsouth, I upgraded the powercord on my toaster to a shunyata python and plug that into a shunyata hydra 4. I think it is a waste unless I am toasting homemade english muffins, then I can really tell the difference in delicacy of taste and it really brings out the neuance of flavors. I am considering the teleportation tweak but am concerned about what it might do to my coffee pot.