Upgrade to a vintage TT?

I currently have a Nottingham Spacedeck, it sounds great for what it does, but I feel it's not quite as rhythmically engaging as other designs out there. I'm starting to consider the concept of older, refurbished/replinthed TT's such as Technics SP-10 or Garrard 301. They're aesthetically beautiful and I've been impressed from limited listening (in completely different systems/rooms then my own). Question is, will I lose more then I gain going to a 301 or SP-10.. are they less refined/nuanced compared to the Spacedeck?

Associated equipment:
Denon 103-uwe / Zyx Airy3 / Clearaudio Virt. Wood
K&K Phono pre
Dear Queg: Why don't try it with different tonearm or maybe different phono stage, your TT is a decent one and perhaps it is not the " culprit " of what you are perceiving.

Regards and enjoy the music,
A friend send following link. Check it out. Very interesting.