time to change tt's

Hi everyone, I am using a michell gyro se with an Origin Live Silver with the twl mod and a Transfiguration spirit cartridge.
The rest of the system consist of a Music Reference rm9 mkll and an audio research sp9 mklll mods by Great Northern Sound with Cardas interconnects and power cable. The speakers are Vandersteen 2ce's.
I would like to upgrade the source either by upgrading my current tt or purchasing another one. I am looking for suggestions as I have no experience with another tt.
Dear Richard: +++++ " I would like to upgrade the source either by upgrading my current tt or purchasing another one " +++++

your realsource is the tonearm/cartridge you own. IMHO and due that your TT is a decent one if you want a serious and rea quality imporvement on your analog audio system performance my advise is that you try a new source: tonearm/cartridge r a better cartridge that can match with that tonearm.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Good point Raul. I have been told that real advantages are associated with a table that has no suspension. With that said do you have any suggestions for an arm?
your table is a classic. not familiar with the arm, but the other sugestions are just change for the sake of change.
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The technoarm was designed around the Michell tables. I owned a gyro and passed it own to my daughter who still rocks with it. I do like the nonsuspended table but the gyro is a very credible table for the money. You might consider the technoarm or one of the SME arms.