Da Vinci AAS Gabriel

I read the TAS review of this USD60K tt. Has any audiogoner out there any first hand experience with this tt and can share opinions? I currently use the TW Acustic Raven AC3 tt with the Davinci arm and cartridge. Wondering if it is worthwhile at all to switch to the AAS Gabriel tt.

I have had extensive time with both tables in the same system. While my comments and opinions are my own, I will say that both tables are very respectable. However, since you have the Da Vinci Arm and the Da Vinci Cartridge (both are excellent performers if I may say so myself) it is worth it to listen to the Da Vinci AAS Gabriel or Unison and decide for yourself if the different presentation is worth the switch from the AC3.

Hope this helps,
Dre_j and all,
Thanks for your comments. I more I read, the more I think what i need most is a vibration isolation platform underneath my Raven TT, and not a switch to the Davinci. Probably the platform will provide more meaningful sonic improvement the much more costly AAS Gabriel may bring.
Alectiong, you are right. I strongly suggest having a look at both - the Vibraplane and the Minus-K.
They are different - in function, resonance frequency and price - and you will have do decide which to use.
In any case - make sure that the motors of the Raven AC3 are NOT placed on the isolation platform together with the AC3.
You would ruin 40 - 70% of the result.
Definitely a serious improvement. 3 weeks ago I did visit a Multi Motor Raven on a Vibraplane, the owner told me, it was a HUGE improvement, even when all motors on the VP. Minus K is also interesting but take care with the weight.
But you can check it easily without spending much money. Try it with a tube from a Bicycle. Next cheap step above is not using the delivered Mat from Millennium. It is like a LP12, you can do a lot to improve it. You can also try a record clamp...
I see many people owning a Raven improving the TT by motor gear, isolation platforms etc. So it should make sense. I have tested HRS platforms at the Munich High-End show and in my room. Maybe even better. And you may split two seperate platforms, one for the motor (or two) and a big one for the TT.