Entry-level Turntable

Any suggestions? My price point is less than $500.

Technics SL1200 MKII. Would certainly fit the bill. The Rega P3 is good as well, though I do not like the non-height adjust. An old thorens would also be nice and is within the price range.
Thanks for the profound answers ! I appreciate and understand the time and cost in gaining the experience in being able to answer this question.

At this stage given the $ involved MM sounds like the ticket. Given my current setup, purchasing a primo gusto phono setup would comparable to putting a ferrari engine into a plymouth valiant.

Thanks again.
Nothing wrong with MM. Have a look at the Grace f9 Ruby, if your lucky enough to get your hands on one you will not be sorry. It beats the pants off of most other modern MMs and can sound as nice as a MC. What is the budget for a MM/MC?