Dynavector XV1-S and step-up

Is there a step up that works particularly well with the Dynavector XV1-S cartridge. The arm is a Graham Phantom and the pre-amp is a Shindo Masetto. I have no complaints going straight in to the Masettos MC input, but thought there might be a suitable step up to try out.

Cheers and thanks
Hatari, I had begun to figure out that you have indeed been listening to the Shindo MC input. I did not understand that way back when this thread started. What are you hearing that suggests the MC phono input is not optimally matched to the Dynavector? That cartridge is typical of the whole class of LOMCs in terms of its internal impedance, output voltage, compliance, etc, so it is unlikely to present any special problems to a phono stage, other than its low output. You might also consider the tonearm in this equation. Matching of cartridge to tonearm is a critical factor.
I suggest that Shindo and EAR might be different - B U T it is a known that there are better trannies than used simply for cost, inside some EARs. This MIGHT just be true to some degree with Shindo?
It could be settled by trying another external SUT, and as I understand it, is the OP's intension.
I just did a little quick research on the Masseto. For $11,500 it ought to have a pretty good SUT inside. But I know it is on the low to middle end of the Shindo line of preamps, in terms of cost.
Lewm: Again, I'm actually very happy with the Shindo phono (its right in the middle of the range). I only posted to see if an SUT would make me happier. Don't mean to repeat myself but I'm just exploring. I may try SUTs and phonos and it all ends up with "the Masseto is better". So, I decided to explore a bit and posted. Didn't mean to create an uproar, and the fact that I asked the question doesn't mean the preamp isnt working or isn't good.

Axelwahl: you got it, hoping to try the A23 Hommage and others
Hatari, I think you stimulated an interesting discussion, not an uproar. I learned something from it. There is an interesting piece by Art Dudley that appeared in Stereophile within the past few years, wherein he actually compares the built-in SUT in the Masseto to several other outboard SUTs, in his own system. You might want to Google it.