I ask you to listen to my advice and spare yourself endless tweakling and other manuervers to get tube magic.
1. The modern tube amp probably will not to sound like the vintage tube sound you may remember. The best are quick dynamic and stage like nothing else.
2. TVAD is quite right as is an old friend who is a very very knowledable respected Agon memberTRELJA. He told me that Kondso San was right nothing is unimportant but after years watching me pver 6 years make a number of dumb decisions finally said.
The ONLY way to get tube magic which I find is the layered halographic imagery The single most critical obvious sonic impact is to use a TUBE ONLY power amp with an emphatic period. My experience was an outright epiphany that has kept me very happy now for two + years.
3.I had been an all tube preamp as is the opinion of the great masses of those who don't know, they don't know, Tube preamps and SS power will not, and does not accomplish the beauty and unique qualities that tubes amps are capable of. That combo to repeat misses the critical and essential elements needed to get tube sonics.
I bought another tubed pre a simple 6SN7 pre, only $300 used just for use as a tool I thought would serve as a sound check to test my 6SN7s for noise. I was dumbfounded and delighted with it- utterly astonished and confused. I askd a couple of audio friends to listen Both said wow your speakers sound unbelievably good these days. Did I do something to them? No it's the amps.
One of them bought them after struggling with sinophobia.
They are Consonace 800 monoblocks. They run 2 6922 inputs I rolled to CV 2943s NOS Mullard Mil Spec, a 5687 driver rolled to tungsol the sock out put is 4 6CA7 EH tetrodes which sound great in this application. The give a way is the 75 wpc or 78 depending on the manual you get and a total upacked weight of 80lbs each = big trannies. They run two pairs of the output tubes in PP paralllel class A. They drive JM Focal 936 Electras with 2 X 8 inch woofers a piece no problem!
4.The tube any where in the chain is FALSE. You will not know unless you use a tube power amp.
5.Finally I would normally use IMHO. HoweverI am rarely as certain about anything as I am about this. I studiously avoid absolutes as a rule. I just could notstand the incorrect no matter how widely people want to believe it wrong answer. I didn't want you to think that a tube pre is the answer.
P.S. See the add some one posted a day or two ago for the better model 800s they have a switch to run pure triode. The price ridiculously low. I don't know him and have no conflict of interest to disclose.
The price he wants is so low, that I wish I could get another pair and run them as a vertical biamp but the top in triode..