Sorry if I mislead you here. My little collection of a few hundred LPs are 'RIP-ing' in my closet. My reel tapes have long since been discarded, and the TEAC was stolen.
My hard of seeing deal prevents me from having the confidence to invest in a very nice TT & it's needed accessories... I've replaced that which I can with the re-issued CD.
Audacity was one I'd mention for ripping records to HDD... there are a wealth of others online which one can try too that I've seen as some of my albums can not be found on disc now. the thing is for me, it's a cost prohibitive measure... a few grand for maybe 100 albums of now questionable quality? Naw. Not me.
AS I can't properly preview them I can't sell them either. I would like to know if they've stood the test of time however and would also very very much so like to have them dupped onto disc if they're worth the doing. They're all rock and roll from the 60s to mid 70s. Some never saw side B played.