Allnic H-3000 owners impressions

There is certainly alot of very good things said about this phonostage. I would be grateful if current owners could indicate the strengths and weaknesses of this phonostage. Do the number of transformers somehow make it less transparant but more "analog" sounding than say something like the Einstein. Does it have the beautiful palpable midrange and liquid highs or does it tend to be more on the accurate side without embellishing this frequency range.
Thank you
Here, plain and just sounds RIGHT.

I jumped on the Allnic train based on the way it was designed, you know, the LCR RIAA, Tube power supply and transformer coupling. I bought it blind without listening to it. It paid off. It was the best thing I have ever bought to date.

Once you own such a piece, nothing else matters. You forget about all the hi-fi terms often used by reviewers. Just sit down and relax. Music is beautiful and so very effortless. Forget about the bass, midrange and treble. It all just comes together which is hard to come by with other phono stages. I don't know how they do it but it just works out that way.

Can't say much about the Einstein but perhaps Albert can help you out with it as he has heard both in his system.
Thank you for your response. How can I get in touch with Albert in relation to the comparison between the Einstein and Allnic?

Kind regards