Which cleaning solution do you use in you RCM?

I've tried RRL, L'Art du Son. Read good things about Audio Intelligent, Mint LP. Has anyone used these and compared differences?
I'm sure the walker products are good, but I'm not doing a 4 step with anyone. For now, I'll use the best 2 step I've found so far, the AI.
Thank you Markd51 and all who have contributed. All good information, with varying results from different cleaning products. I prefer using a one step process with no rinse, and use Buggtussel when faced with a record with potential mold or fungus. I shall continue to try other products and post my experiences.
Hiendmuse, I think everyone would prefer a one step method, but without rinsing you're doing your records no good at all. I know full well--me and several of my friends used RRL and MoFi for years without knowing we had to rinse. What a difference it makes.