Axelwhal, believe it or not, there is a small coterie of SME V owners who are quite anal retentive. They're the ones who refuse to use the arm with the finger lift attached, and who remove the bridge across the main bearing.
With all audio refinements/improvements/adjustments, proof of concept is always going to be decided by the answer to two questions: "Can you hear a difference?" and "Do you like the Emperor's new clothes?"
No one who uses anything more sophisticated than a record changer will argue against careful setup - even those who haven't learned to do it themselves. The implication that certain arms/tools can provide 'tighter' setup tolerances is just baloney as I see it. I've been setting up arms and cartridges for 50 years, and I'm a stikler for precision in all things mechanical. The only changes I've witnessed in all that time vis a vis tonearm setup, are tools (such as Mint and Wally) that make the process easier -- especially for those who don't have a lot of practice and/or skill. What makes me laugh is the notion that one can do a better job using those tools. Maybe faster, but not better.
If anyone using a line contact (or micro-ridge) stylus equipped cartridge really wants to experience a revelation in cartridge performance I would refer them to the following thread: Boy! Do I wish someone would make a tool for doing that!!~
With all audio refinements/improvements/adjustments, proof of concept is always going to be decided by the answer to two questions: "Can you hear a difference?" and "Do you like the Emperor's new clothes?"
No one who uses anything more sophisticated than a record changer will argue against careful setup - even those who haven't learned to do it themselves. The implication that certain arms/tools can provide 'tighter' setup tolerances is just baloney as I see it. I've been setting up arms and cartridges for 50 years, and I'm a stikler for precision in all things mechanical. The only changes I've witnessed in all that time vis a vis tonearm setup, are tools (such as Mint and Wally) that make the process easier -- especially for those who don't have a lot of practice and/or skill. What makes me laugh is the notion that one can do a better job using those tools. Maybe faster, but not better.
If anyone using a line contact (or micro-ridge) stylus equipped cartridge really wants to experience a revelation in cartridge performance I would refer them to the following thread: Boy! Do I wish someone would make a tool for doing that!!~