I was eyeballing that Winfeld... I am running a Kontrapunkt b (based on the Jubilee). Might go Jubilee someday unless I score a good second hand Winfeld that I could retip.
I got my 309 the other day and did a half-hearted mounting job on my spare table (wanted to make sure I like it before cutting the heck out of the plinth). Seems to have more clarity but less highs than the Acos that was on the table. Maybe this is the copper internals or the tonearm cable that came with it? What makes this arm stand out seems to be the way in which these arms hold their settings. I am using the stock cable like I stated, but have been eyeing this home-made cable on eBay made with four nines silver and done in a litz braid. He has a full refund policy so can't hurt to try it I suppose...
I got my 309 the other day and did a half-hearted mounting job on my spare table (wanted to make sure I like it before cutting the heck out of the plinth). Seems to have more clarity but less highs than the Acos that was on the table. Maybe this is the copper internals or the tonearm cable that came with it? What makes this arm stand out seems to be the way in which these arms hold their settings. I am using the stock cable like I stated, but have been eyeing this home-made cable on eBay made with four nines silver and done in a litz braid. He has a full refund policy so can't hurt to try it I suppose...