The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Dear Argyro, I think that you have to read once more the headline of the thread. It is "the best speaker you ever heard". That seems to be only a personal opinion, isn't it?
When it comes to listen to music using other speakers, (Tidals maybe), who knows, I may like them better!
Until that time, I'm staying with my beloved SHL-5s.
Try gamut s9 speakers they sound amazing. The price is not cheap not by far better than anything I listen in my 25 years of music.
Vandersteen 7's playing analog 50's jazz. Quad ESL-57's are a close second, but 1/100 the acoustic power, and (literally) half the bandwidth. I once owned a pair of Quad's paired with B-139 based transmission line subwoofers and Sequerra T-1 ribbon tweeters. This solved the bandwidth problem, but not the acoustic power problem.

Both of these speakers display a delicacy with midrange and high frequency sounds at the " pppp" volume level that I've never heard elsewhere. Both are remarkable loudspeakers. (BTW, Richard V still considers Quad ESL's as his reference).
Dynaudio Sapphire. Doesn't matter who says I swear by the Dyns although this particular one is not as costly as some of the names mentioned here. Unfortunately, my pockets aren't deep enough to go beyond that. I am sure the Evidence Master would sound much better but that's all there is (quoting Dynaudio's tag line). I used to build DIY speakers or do speaker mods and what I found is that some of those astronomically-priced speaker manufactures actually uses OEM Dynaudio drives. I am not going to mention names since it might piss some people off.
About the Dynaudio Sapphires, if you don't mind.
I love the Dynaudio sound but I have to sit 8 feet from my speakers (they are on the long wall of my 20 x 13 foot room).
I had Aerial 10Ts & Wilson WP6s right here & they were fine. So do you think the Sapphires would fit here?