Ralph, I agree completely with what you say re the effect of plinth-ing. I was surprised that the slate plinth had such a profound effect on the "sound" of my Denon DP80. I would have thought that a direct-drive system would be rather a closed one in which colorations introduced by the drive were directly "injected" (for want of a better term) into the audio signal via the coupling of motor to spindle. Thus, except for better controlling the inertia of the motor itself, I thought that the positive effect of the slate would be limited. I was quite wrong.
"bass will have more impact, overall greater dynamic impact (more lively, without added brightness), blacker backgrounds..." That's what I hear too. Win's turntable (the Saskia) must be quite awesome.
"bass will have more impact, overall greater dynamic impact (more lively, without added brightness), blacker backgrounds..." That's what I hear too. Win's turntable (the Saskia) must be quite awesome.