Linn vs VPI?

I am planning to upgrade my current entry level Music Hall TT. I would like to get either a Linn LP 12 or some of the comparable VPI tables. Used not new.
It apperas to me that VPI is very highly regarded and people are very happy with VPI products. I also understand that Linn is on Stereophile recommended list of components for ever and essentially thes ame but greatly evolved product.

Any insight/first hand experience and tonearm/cartridge recommendadtion is more than welcome.
OK, some good insights, thanks guys. I have a MMF-2.2 right now and a Marantz 6100. The MMF is the main daily TT. I have both a Linn and a VPI locally available. The VPI is one of the older models has some upgrades, including a REGA arm (not sure which one). Asking price is $1,500 and would accpet my MMF as a part of the trade/sell.
In that price range I also looked at the Marantz 15s1 which es essentially a Clearaudio TT with some improvements and a great cartridge.

IF NEITHER - could you suggest what to consider?
I recently looked at selling my LP12 and looked at VPI-Rega-ClearAudio and Project. All with rather poor representation in my area. But when listening at one store whom had a Rega P3 and a VPI Scout nesxte to each other I really preffered the rega sound. But that dealer is as ecentric as the first stone wheel too! I really don't think the VPI was set up correctly. At the end of the story I kept my LP12 and unless I find something that excites me I will keep it. It seems that they forever upgradeable. I just heard the new DC power supply and Phonostage at my local dealer and it....incredible. But he has all the latest on it and it sounded great before but is better than anything I can recall hearding. Oh and before he tells me yechh! BW I know I know:)
I have both, I am a VPI dealer and I just bought a used Linn. Can't give a final answer because I am still getting the Linn properly set up. I disagree that the VPI is hard to set up, I have been setting them up since 1962,it seems to me that it is one of the simplest ones I have used. The unipivot arms are different but seem simpler to me than many of the standard arms. The Linn is harder but the difficulty was exaggerated in the past as part of the Linn "mystique". Worked on me, I sold other brands instead. The one I got has not been realigned since the 80s but sounded quite good. There are many good tables out there, buying used is the smart course. Something like the Thorens TD 126 or 125 are still good tables and can often be found relatively cheap. Just get a better mat. I find it hard to give general recommendations as buying used is a case by case thing depending on condition, arm , etc. Stan
Stanwal is right. To set up a Linn all you need is the setup manual. You
can get it online. Setup is time consuming , a lot of back and forth but it
can be done by anyone has turntable experience. Follow the manual and take
your time and it can be done. There is a setup stand that makes it easier to do
but it is going to cost ($300+) , if you can find one. I have seen them on A'gon
I had both a VPI HW-19 Mk II with acrylic arm board and a Linn LP-12 Valhala. The sonic differences between them, using an Origin Live RB-300, was that the VPI seemed to have deeper bass, which at times seemed a bit slow and turgid by comparison, whereas the Linn seemed to be more "up-beat" in terms of rhythm and pace but didn't seem to go as deep. I preferred the Linn but YMMV.