B and O Turntables

Can someone with real-world experience let me know if the above tables are any good. I believe I am looking at RX or LX models from my limited research thus far. My reference point would be Rega 3.
Dear Danehenas: I forgot, this is the link:

Regards and enjoy the music,
I've replaced the stock MMC 20CL with Sound Smith SMMC 20CL, and the difference is staggering. The original cartridge sounds very warm at the expense of detail. Sound Smith cartridge sounds more open and lively.
I once bought a 4002 for my Mom. At the time I had a vacuum SOTA and the Walker Gold Pros. You know? That B&O was very very compelling. It had a monsterous soundstage and great detail. It was missing a little low end, but that's all. Highly recommended. It had a B&O mount type cartridge that was, I thought, very good. I got one of these carts in a deal last year, and listed it here. Some bites but it's still around. Perhaps I should just keep it.

Anyway, these are very good tables. Don't let the highend priests tell you otherwise.
