$300 Budget - help

I've spent time reading this forum, so I've gotten some good ideas already, but hoping for some feedback nonetheless.

I listen to classic jazz (instrumental and vocals) only. I love CDs, it's all I have ever known. I was in an audio store a year or so ago demoing an Arcam cdplayer, and the salesman put on a favorite cannonball adderley album of mine, but on vinyl. I forget what player he was using, but he said it was entry level. I was taken back by the warmth of the sound -- not as clear as the CD, but there was something amazing about the sound of the record that I just can't put my finger on.

Anyway, I want to try vinyl. My current system is as follows: Exposure Super XV integrated amp (apparently it has a good phono stage); Arcam CD73 cdplayer; Wharfedale Pacific Evo 8 bookshelf speakers; psaudio duet power center; audio art cabling throughout.

I only have about $300 to spend (just bought a home). If I like vinyl, in a few years I'll spend hundreds or thousands on a high-quality record player, but for now I just want to see if it's something I will like.

The Rega P1 seems like the recommended choice. Would you agree? What cabling do I need?

Thank you,
Probably a silly question, but why does it matter if it's built like a tank? Good build quality is one thing, but it would sit on my audio stand and not move for 5 years. Anyway, it sounds like I have to find some audio stores and demo some equipment.

If you have to ask perhaps you should stick with digital.
Perhaps. Though last time I checked, asking questions in a forum was aimed at obtaining advice/answers, rather than receiving snide unintelligent remarks.

I think I have the direction I need, thank you everyone (well mostly everyone) for your remarks and assistance.
Good luck and I hope you enjoy.

When I discovered music on vinyl it was like listening to the great musicians for the first time all over again.

It would be nice to hear back from you as to what you purchased and then after you've had a chance to dial it in, what your thoughts are.

Best of luck
