Feickert Protractor - anyone use one?

Looking around, I came across the Dr Feickert protractor.

Does anyone have one and is it worth the price and does it really help you setup your TT better than other standard mats?

You can read through my thread on this subject in the archives, to date over 14,000 veiws.

However, you want far and away better precision for less then half the price?, look up MintLp in the archives preferably Stringreens thread on the subject.
Top class. My favourite vinyl set up tool and beautifully made. It will last a lifetime.

very easy to use. the nice thing about it is that it is not dedicated to one arm as the mint lp or walltractor tools are.
Love my Feickert. Used it for a few different arms now. Works like a charm and I never have to worry about what arm I decide to use down the road as it will work for everything and has the curves for a couple of different mounting approaches, if your interested in that.