Feickert Protractor - anyone use one?

Looking around, I came across the Dr Feickert protractor.

Does anyone have one and is it worth the price and does it really help you setup your TT better than other standard mats?

The $250 Feickert does indeed measure spindle-to-pivot accurately.

A $2 ruler does also.

More money for whiskey and music!
Nice one Doug.
Having been in the building industry for 40 years, I can assure you than trying to 'eyeball' a hand-held ruler over the dead centre of a 4mm diam shaped spindle at the same time as 'eye-balling' a mark on this ruler over an ill-defined tonearm pivot hidden by the tonearm is no more accurate than a generic 2 point alignment card downloaded from the internet.

The Feickert 'locks' in both spindle and tonearm pivot and is attached to an aluminium 'beam' which has NO deflection compared to a wooden, metal or plastic ruler over the same distance.

It seems a little odd to be so adamant about 'thinner' etched lines and parallax error compensation of the mirror backed Wally and Mint protractors whilst at the same time proposing such an inaccurate method of effective length and overhang measurement?

with a custom made arc protractor, the need to be highly accurate at setting P2S doesn't exist. You just need to be close, 1/2 mm or so. Aligning to the arc takes care of the rest of the precision because the arc was drawn using the effective length. No futzing with overhang, it all comes out in the wash. That is why the lines are so important. And, the same tool is used to do the rest of the alignment so nothing moves during the process after the arc is being traced. It really is hard to explain, and much easier to demonstrate. There really is more than one way to approach things. I'm not saying any is better than the other. But some are definitely less expensive.