I use BWs on a number of my tables. I find the arm to work very well (even) with med to low compliance cartridges. There is a mistaken belief that you cannot use low compliance MC cartridges with low mass arms. This is just not so in my opinion. I have far better tracking with cartridges such as Koetsu in the BW than in other high mass arms I've owned. What you should not do is to use high compliance carts in high mass arms--remember the reviewers in the 90s breaking van Den Hulls in Forsell arms. I have used the following MCs; Koetsu ProV, Urushi, Rosewood, Mark Levinson, Cello, BPS, AC2, and Goldbug on my Black Widows (all) with no tracking problems.
I think the arm looks elegant as well :)
I think the arm looks elegant as well :)