How much better is Esoteric K-03 vs K-05?

Was about to pull trigger on K-05, but keep reading how incredible the K-03 is. This may be a function of less press/reviews/purchases of the K-05, but I really would like to know if the K-03 provides a small incremental improvement in SQ, or it's major. And if major, how so? If you've heard both, or know someone who has, can you please provide opinions and comments? Thanks much...
I am exactly your same boat. I am trying to keep this version of my system within a reasonable budget but the K-03 keeps beckoning me!
While there does seem to be an overwhelming amount of great press on the K-03, I really do believe (read: HOPE) it's simply that the K-05 has not gotten reviewed yet, and has not been out as long as the K-03. I sure would love to hear from those who have actually been able to compare the two though.
If you were going to buy the K-05, then stop reading about the K-03. If you don't, you'll only be unhappy. I haven't heard either unit, but let's say the 03 is "better" than the 05. Only you can say for yourself whether that sonic difference is worth the substantial difference in price.