Good Phono Stage for Benz Micro Ace.

I was wondering what brands of phono stages have synergy with the Benz Cartridges. I have thought about tubes vs solidstage and I think that I would like a solidstate phonostage. I am using a Conrad Johnson Cav-50 at the moment and love the amp, but it is plenty warm and smooth at the moment (using a NAD PP2!) and I like the bass that the SS phono stage offers.

Cartridge - Benz Micro Ace MC 2.5mV

Table - Vpi Scout

budget of 750
Aqvox 2CI.I use this with a PL2.Have heard this unit combined with a Benz Ruby with excellent results.Of course the budget would need to move toward $995.
The Conrad Johnson EV-1 is absolutely wonderful with my 2.5mV ACE - with no problems in the bass dept. If you want SS, I think the Conrad Johnson EF-1 would be great. Also, a new or used Primare R20.
I would considering bumping your budget up by $500 and get something that won't leave you second guessing and lusting after another upgrade before long. I was in your price range too, but after reading a lot of discussion board threads it sure seemed I could get something more accurate or better if you will by spending around $500 more. Not $3000 - $4000 more. There were about three or four phono amps in that price range, all valve based, passive EQ. Three were kits that can be purchased assembled. In the end I went with the one that probably has by far the best support and is based in North America instead of overseas. I can't say more than that because I haven't heard it yet. But you might want to think about your budget, if you can of course.