Glanz moving magnet cartridges


I have just acquired an old Glanz G5 moving magnet cartridge. However, I cannot find out any details about this or the Glanz range or, even the company and its history.

Can anyone out there assist me in starting to piece together a full picture?

Any experiences with this or other Glanz's; web links; set up information etc would be warmly received. Surely someone knows something!

Thanks in hope
Hi All,

Sorry but one final(ish) word of reflection on the above themes.

My reference to the greater refinement of the Technics set up over the Glanz one, can be 'partially' understood in the light of the notable distinctions in (Technics 1.2 mv/Glanz 4.2 mv) their output voltage.

When I note that apparently heightened refinement a better way of appreciating what I am trying to get at might also be to follow the Martin Colloms assessment in light of a perspective obtained from 'distinct seating positions in the same venue'. The Glanz is more front row perspective and the Technics more mid-stalls.

I have already suggested the importance of venue differentiations and some relevant literature (on Raul's MM/MI thread) when assessing component performance and their proximity to a "real life musical performance". These two options bring that distinction and the supporting literature into startling relief. In that perspective the Glanz might be seen as offering the perspective more of a stage side table in your favourite jazz bar compared to the Technics offering more of a back of hall perspective in a large and more acoustically treated hall. Both unbelievably great. And both with my sincerest recommendation.

As always...
Hi Nandric,

:~). I appreciate the point but I really do believe that all the noted components will come up for sale in the future. Every item that I have sought I have managed to obtain sooner or later (MC's obviously withstanding, as I am about to become manic in a whole new way!)

If I come across them before you do, I will drop you a line.

As always...
Halcro, I can be of help if you still need the 155Lc.
Send me a pm at
Hi Timeltel,

Thanks for the link, it fits well into these sources:

Have you seen any of the models going? I believe the MFG 71L is the closest to the G7 - with only slightly lower performance statistics. I'd be interested in hearing anyone's view on its performance. As I think I've said, the G7 seems to me to be at the pinnacle of MM/MI technology and must still be (or will at some point 'become') available. I'm keen to hear the response when someone else lays their hands and then ears on one.

As always...