Anyone Heard the New Soundsmith Sussurro Cartridge

Has anyone heard the Sussurro low output moving iron cartridge form Soundsmith. I would like to hear from anyone who has one or heard one.
I heard it at Soundsmith following an audition of "The Voice". The Serioso (sp?) was WAY better. In fact, it made "The Voice" sound pretty bad by comparison. It should, it costs three times as much. Not sure how it would stack up against similarly priced moving coils, however. I also wonder whether this cartridge could be offered for half the cost at which point it might make sense to a lot more people. I also listened briefly to the Strain Gauge following the Seriso. This was a very close call to my ears. The whole audition was rather difficult since I was completely unfamiliar with the associated equipment, aside from the VPI turntable. For example, the speakers were rather small two ways so it was relatively impossible to establish bass performance. I never really felt like we were getting excellent sound with ANY of the cartridges but who can say whether it was the cartridges or something further down the chain. I doubt I'll any future cartridge demoing since it is rather difficult to say how any cartridge would translate into my system unless the rest of the gear is the same or close to it.
Dear Dodgealum: ++++ " The whole audition was rather difficult since I was completely unfamiliar with the associated equipmen " +++++

++++ " I also listened briefly to the Strain Gauge following the Seriso. This was a very close call to my ears... " +++++

and IMHO that's why you heard so well that SG faulty system.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dodge - If you want to hear the Strain Gauge in another system in New York City, let me know. The system I demo (and sell) it in is a full range system, and perhaps you might be better able to hear it's unique qualities.

I have not yet heard the Sussurro.

Identify yourself as a MANUFACTURER, and regarding a response about anyone else's product, DON'T GO THERE - have some sense this time, just for once.