JMW 9'' Signature Tonearm

I wonder if someone out there would help clarify something for me? I recently received a 'new' JMW 9" Signature tonearm from one of the advertisers here. When it arrived there was a tone arm with setup guage, some allen keys etc. but no RCA Juction box, Damping fluid, Bearing assembly and tone arm plug (at the back of tonearm). I understood that all of these should come with a 'new' Signature tonearm, am I wrong and if so what should I have expected.

Thanks......... I don't want to start giving someone a hard time if the mistake was mine!!
Hi Stringreen,

I am still waiting on the seller to respond to an e-mail sent ealier today. I am in the UK so there is a 5 or 6 hour time difference.....
For reference the VPI website says a JMW9 Signature armtube is $700 and the complete assembly is $1400. The regular JMW9 armtube is $400 and the assembly is $900. $995 is a real good price for a new JMW9 signature assembly, but certainly more than retail for an armtube, signature or not. Time for a refund!
Received a package today contained the bearing assembly, junction box...............still no damping fluid and the tonearm lever is missing!! I have just asked for a complete replacement. This is turning into one of those nightmare internet purchases that is supposed to happen to other people......will keep you updated regarding the sellers response, although their attitude to date doesn't fill me with confidence. I wonder, is this just bad luck or has any one had similar problems