wow Sgr, i had an almost identical experience. except for your initial feelings that is. i really liked the duo right off the bat. however... i've never owned a set-up even close to your's so my "bar" was set much lower. used a high grade I2S from day one and glad i did (ps audio's silver I2S-12). much better then the other current options. i also upgraded pc's to ps audio ac-5's. they really sounded good together.
i also noticed a slight vibration issue and went with herbie's tenderfoot's as well. took it one step further and finally invested in a nice rack (steve blinn extrawide replaced my target $199 special). all of this along with several weeks of break-in did the trick. it went from great too incredible for me.
can't say i've listened to many really high end digi front ends but i'm certain that the duo is the best i've heard to date.....and not by a narrow margin. it still blow's me away every time i have a listening session. when paired, tweeked and hooked up right...the duo offers jaw dropping performance imo and one i can't get enough of.
cheers buddy
i also noticed a slight vibration issue and went with herbie's tenderfoot's as well. took it one step further and finally invested in a nice rack (steve blinn extrawide replaced my target $199 special). all of this along with several weeks of break-in did the trick. it went from great too incredible for me.
can't say i've listened to many really high end digi front ends but i'm certain that the duo is the best i've heard to date.....and not by a narrow margin. it still blow's me away every time i have a listening session. when paired, tweeked and hooked up right...the duo offers jaw dropping performance imo and one i can't get enough of.
cheers buddy