Also, in any "balanced" design, an early stage, have to split the signal into positive and negative halves?
A phono cartridge can output a differential signal and most if not all modern DAC chips have differential outputs so no split is needed. It can start out that way.
I am just not aware of any other way to do it with tubes
you simply build 2 amplifiers in one chassis like stated earlier and one amplifies the + signal and one amplifies the minus. I don't know how all of the balanced manufacturers approach the problem but you can certainly do it that way. I did look through BAT's website and they make no mention of differential circuits. Perhaps they use them but don't talk about it?
I'm afraid I don't follow. The balanced builders are just as likely to use gold plated connectors as the SE crowd. As for ground loops, take a look at my system. The phono is balanced into the pro box but it is converted to SE by transformers at the output of that box and is SE from then on. I run 107dB efficient horns with SET tube amps and even with the phono turned up I have to my ear up near the speakers to hear any kind of noise. No hum, no ground loops and I am biamping.