Maybe I missed it but I don't see where it says anything about power supply leakage. What do you mean by that?
The insidious kind is when a power supply leakage affects ground on a device which adds modulated noise on your cabling as a function of power demands. The way to reduce this is to go balanced (so that the ground loop is induced equally in both positive and negative signals).
In order to affect a ground loop whatever is doing it has to change the potential of the ground. How does a power supply do that?
I think I'll bow out of this discussion. I'm told that there is no way the signals aren't separate when clearly they interact in the diff amps and then some vague references to leakage. It is really all pointless. Here's the bottom line. Those of you in the balanced camp can go on and on about all of the reasons why balanced "should" sound better than SE. You are correct; it should. There is a laundry list of reasons why CDs should sound better than vinyl. The simple truth is it does not. My ears and those of many others say that the best we've ever heard consists of SET amps coupled to high efficiency horns. I don't care what the textbooks say. I don't care how it measures. All I care about is how it sounds. Unfortunately there is no way to make that comparison via the internet.