xlr vs rca

I understand it is better to used balance interconnects if possible. Is this always the case? Furthermore, if one modifies an rca cable with something like Cardas adapters at each end will it perform as well as a cable that was originally terminated with balanced connections? Thanks for any input.
{edit} I was writing this below as you posted so I had not read your last response. I agree, we are approaching this from 2 different angles {edit}

I know I said I was bowing out but I wanted to address your comment about convincing me. Of what? That balanced circuits have some inherent advantages in the area of noise performance or that because of these advantages balanced must sound better?

The former is a given, the latter is not. It is easy to fall into the same trap that Julian Hirsch did when he proclaimed the superiority of transistor amps that had extremely low measured distortion. They measured well but sounded like crap. The same trap that some fell into when CDs were declared to have perfect sound forever. It is easy to develop tunnel vision and focus on this one tiny area (noise performance) but the picture is so much bigger. If all else was equal would it be better to have the inherent advantages that balanced offers? Of course, but since it is not all equal the point is moot.

The proof is not what is in the textbooks but in what we hear. The type of system I listen to brings me pleasure that others I have heard do not. I've heard systems that have a low level hum that is easily heard at the listening position but when the music was turned up they sounded glorious. Sure, it would be better to get rid of the hum but if you sit there tapping your toe with a smile on your face how much does it really matter?

As long as you and yours are beating the "it measures better so it must sound better" drum and I and mine are only concerned about what really matters, which is how it actually does sound, then there is really nothing to discuss.
As long as you and yours are beating the "it measures better so it must sound better" drum and I and mine are only concerned about what really matters, which is how it actually does sound, then there is really nothing to discuss.

No worries I get it. We have beaten this horse dead. I can respect that what concerns you is what really matters. I'll be the first to admit that accuracy in sound reproduction is what only a very small minority of hobbyists are after.
Herman makes some excellent points. There are many folks who dabble in the "high end" who are convinced that single-ended circuits are inherently advantageous (in fact), because fewer parts are needed to construct them vs balanced circuits. I disagree with the idea that the parts count is relevant, for complex reasons, but I do agree that one should keep an open mind on the balanced vs single-ended debate, only one of many that rage among us crazies. I would only say that if the circuit is inherently single-ended (and you like it), go with that and don't try to create a pseudo-balanced interface.