Technics SP-10 MKIIA tonearms

What tonearms will fit onto a Technics SP-10 MKIIA with the original Obsidian plinth, other than the EPA-100? Thanks.
A.J. Van den Hul uses the EPA 100 everyday on his SP10. We've talked about this combination a number of times over the years. He can have whatever he wants. That's what he uses. And since he builds carts, maybe he knows something?

Hello Weiselk,

My SP-10 MKIIA comes with two original armboards, one for the EPA-100 and the other for an SME. I have an SME/Oracle 345 which is essentially a 309 and it does fit, although the cartridge alignment remains a little off. I think a 10-inch or longer tonearm should fare much better.

Thanks Weisselk for your input and tip on OMA boards.
The original armboard is veneered plywood in a metal frame. If you would like, we can make a slate armboard, or any other material, to replace the original. I would think the slate would be an improvement. It would be a simple matter to make a new wood armboard, and any competent woodworker could do that for you.

I had both the EPA 100 and the 500 arms with H,M&L wands. I found the 100 to be the better arm, more dynamic and the adjustable damping made cartridge compatibility easy. It does not take though very heavy catrs though such as the Kondo IO-j. I suspect rewiring the EPA 500 armwands might have taken them above the 100. The one to get is probably the boron version, I believe that was called the EPA 100 Mk2, or the EPA 250?
Hi Radicalsteve,thanks for your input.I guess that's why the EPA-100 usually sells at a higher price.Was your EPA-100 rewired?The A250 is an S shaped armwand with detachable headshell just like the EPA-100 and is used on the EPA-500 base.I have seen the EPA-100 MKII on ebay a couple times,they seem to be rare and are pretty expensive.I believe Rual owns a EPA-100 MKII.