Transfiguration:sonic balance/Axia shares Phoenix

Hello, Am getting ready to pursue another cartridge for my Bluenote/Encounter III combination.Former cart was the Allaerts Eco.Would the Transfiguration cartridges give me some or to the same degree of the non-mechanical traits that the former had?
I have read many positive reviews of the Phoenix.Does the Axia share these family traits and to what degree?
Please keep the discussion to the family of Transfiguration cartridges.
Thanks in advance to all those willing to venture their opinions.Tom
Well, this probably won't help much because I never owned a JA cartridge -- and though the Eco is his "entry level" product, I find it hard to believe it isn't as good or better than the Phoenix or the Axia. The Temper V, W, and Orpheus are another matter. (I have a Temper W) Here's why: The Temper/Orpheus use the a single ring magnet with a push-pull suspension and no tension wire. While the Phoenix/Axia use a double ring magnet and tension wire which is closer to the conventional yoke style MC cartridge. Go to this page to see the difference:
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'd take my Temper W (or an Orpheus) over all but the most expensive JA's, but I don't think you'll find the Phoenix or Axia better than the Eco. The unique mechanical Design of the Temper/Orpheus cartridges makes them utterly quiet; no background noise, hiss or pops, yet full of detail and midrange presence. Like a Koetsu but with a top and a bottom ;-)

If I had the money, I'd definitely want to try one of the top Allaerts though - as long as Jan Allaerts could assure me that my Levinson phono preamp wouldn't fry the delicate coils! ;-)
I did some research beforу buying Phoenix over the posts on forums, reviews, etc.. Phoenix seems to be closer to old Temper than to previous Phoenix, Axia as reviewer mentioned a bit "simple" in reproduction, thus I concluded that Phoenix is much better value for money cart.
Won't go back down the JA trail... As for new MCs,the Phoenix is on the upper end of a proposed limit.Don't
think that I am comfortable buying used (Temper V/W).
Nsgarch:Do you feel that the Phoenix' sound is completely different than the Orpheus-no family resemblance?
Tp - responding in reverse, "Do you feel that the Phoenix' sound is completely different than the Orpheus-no family resemblance?" I'd say an 'educated' yes they would be different sounding. Why? They'd have to sound different having such radically different mechanical design and layout of the component parts. The Temper W and V (and the Orpheus which represents a further refinement of the W and V) were a leap forward in MC cartrdge design -- which isn't to say 'different is always better' but in this case it was.

I've bought used cartridges before without problems. Just do your due diligence which includes: make sure it was purchased from an authorized dealer (seller has receipt). Find out what TT/TA it was mounted in (always a givaway to how meticulous the seller is). Does the seller use a digital stylus gauge? Does the seller use a record cleaning machine? (All deal makers) Ask for some good, in focus!, macro pictures - especially looking straight down on the bottom of the cartridge to see if the cantilever is straight - it matters! and it's definitely a deal-breaker if it's not! Or you can get one new for a little over half price on the gray market ;-) Why are you unhappy with the JA? Just curious.
