ja now fine, and so we have even more discrepancies since I, for the sake of TRUE simplification, been talking over and again about BLANK vinyl, and the stylus point riding on this smooth surface --- AND THEREBY taking any of this groove tangent stuff OUT OF THE EQUATION.
There IS a skate force WITHOUT any groove! Therefore NO tangent, what so ever comes into play as I tried real hard to get across.
Taking things into the groove, with all this stuff Perrew is on about is no good, if the basics are not cleared up, yes?
So, again, NO friction force, NO skate force, period.
Tangent has NOTHING to do with it at this point, *if we are NOT in any groove*!
As such all this talk about tangent, or off-set, etc. only serves to cloud the basics of the skate force issue --- unless you are much more deeply into the details then at this point was my understanding.
As such, and going back to the SIMPLE, *no groove*, model Dertonarm is NOT right in assuming a zero skate force at a 0 groove tangent angle.
I can prove that, as soon as there is friction, there is a skate force.
His (Dertonarm's) point is such only of any relevance, if at 0 tangent groove angle -- and as he assumes --- there be less friction force than at any other angle.
If this be so in the first place (and I have no explanation why it should be so!), it be so minute a difference, as to have no measurable effect.
Therefore off-set is as little part of the PRACTICAL equation as is Over-Hang. If one groove side is traced a micro-millimetre later (or earlier) then the other --- what be the increased friction due to that?
None! for a spherical stylus, and none for most any other stylus as well, even it the sides be a sharp as it gets.
It will make a mess of the signal, oh yes, but that is another discussion all together i.e. correct cart alignment.
ja now fine, and so we have even more discrepancies since I, for the sake of TRUE simplification, been talking over and again about BLANK vinyl, and the stylus point riding on this smooth surface --- AND THEREBY taking any of this groove tangent stuff OUT OF THE EQUATION.
There IS a skate force WITHOUT any groove! Therefore NO tangent, what so ever comes into play as I tried real hard to get across.
Taking things into the groove, with all this stuff Perrew is on about is no good, if the basics are not cleared up, yes?
So, again, NO friction force, NO skate force, period.
Tangent has NOTHING to do with it at this point, *if we are NOT in any groove*!
As such all this talk about tangent, or off-set, etc. only serves to cloud the basics of the skate force issue --- unless you are much more deeply into the details then at this point was my understanding.
As such, and going back to the SIMPLE, *no groove*, model Dertonarm is NOT right in assuming a zero skate force at a 0 groove tangent angle.
I can prove that, as soon as there is friction, there is a skate force.
His (Dertonarm's) point is such only of any relevance, if at 0 tangent groove angle -- and as he assumes --- there be less friction force than at any other angle.
If this be so in the first place (and I have no explanation why it should be so!), it be so minute a difference, as to have no measurable effect.
Therefore off-set is as little part of the PRACTICAL equation as is Over-Hang. If one groove side is traced a micro-millimetre later (or earlier) then the other --- what be the increased friction due to that?
None! for a spherical stylus, and none for most any other stylus as well, even it the sides be a sharp as it gets.
It will make a mess of the signal, oh yes, but that is another discussion all together i.e. correct cart alignment.