There's also the possibility that your capstan (if you have one) is adjusted too low, pressing the record against the lips too hard. This can be adjusted by turning the two small screws behind the capstan, raising it slightly.
People rave about Walker and I'm sure it's very good. It's all a personal choice as to how much time and effort you want to spend and whether you believe the results justify the labor and expense. I think you should try these other things. Then when you're done, go back to your old way and see if there's a difference.
I was a professional musician for 20 years and I learned something about hearing. Hearing is like eyesight - we all hear different, just as we see different. Some have better ears than others, just as some have better eyes than others. We just have a hard time accepting it.
I would never doubt what someone claims to hear, just because I can't hear it. The whole process is too complex and subjective.
People rave about Walker and I'm sure it's very good. It's all a personal choice as to how much time and effort you want to spend and whether you believe the results justify the labor and expense. I think you should try these other things. Then when you're done, go back to your old way and see if there's a difference.
I was a professional musician for 20 years and I learned something about hearing. Hearing is like eyesight - we all hear different, just as we see different. Some have better ears than others, just as some have better eyes than others. We just have a hard time accepting it.
I would never doubt what someone claims to hear, just because I can't hear it. The whole process is too complex and subjective.